Intern & job vacancies

Take a look at some of our

  • Administration, Operations and Integration Lead

    We are seeking a highly motivated and dedicated individual to join our team as an Administrative Assistant, Operations and integration lead and Pa to Lead Pastors. This role involves providing essential support in various aspects of office management, event coordination, guest hospitality, and assisting the leadership team with their tasks. Helping establish and maintain strong systems and integrating people into the church and movement.

    The successful candidate will possess strong organizational, communication, and multitasking skills, along with honesty and trustworthiness, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining efficient operations. They will be proactive, solution minded and very reliable, a person of initiative and a lover of Jesus Christ and His Church.

  • Personal Intern to Pastor Daniel

    As a Personal Intern to Pastor Daniel at City Life Church in Portsmouth, you will have the unique opportunity to work closely alongside Pastor Daniel, gaining valuable experience in pastoral ministry and leadership. This internship is designed for individuals who aspire to become Pastors/apostolic leaders in the future and are eager to learn and serve within a thriving church environment, and advance God's Kingdom.

Find out a bit more about City Life CHurch